Carbon Peeling

The application of carbon peeling with a laser solves many different skin problems such as sun spots, acne spots, age spots, black spots, shallow wrinkles, large pores, skin sags, and excessive lubrication of the skin.
Even after the first application of the carbon peeling process, you can notice the rejuvenation of your skin and observe the tightening of the pores on your skin.

Benefits of Laser Carbon Peeling Process;

  • Removal of sun and age-related stains on the skin surface
  • Reducing the appearance of enlarged pores on the skin
  • Prevention of skin sagging and restoration of firmness
  • Promoting collagen production
  • Removing wrinkles
  • Refreshing the brightness and tone of the skin
  • Preventing oily skin
  • Reducing and cleaning the black spots
  • Prevention of acne formation